Belvoir Street Theatre

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25 Belvoir Street
Surry Hills


Captioned Performance:  Wednesday, 14 December at 8pm

The Forest of Arden: Orlando loves Rosalind. Rosalind is disguised as a boy called Ganymede. Phebe loves Ganymede. Silvius loves Phebe. Rosalind loves Orlando back. Oliver is hunting Orlando. Celia loves Oliver. Celia is disguised as Aliena. The Duke is hunting Celia. The other Duke is hunting deer. Jaques loves the deer. Touchstone is freaked out by Jaques. Audrey loves Touchstone. Touchstone loves words … It turns out to be quite a hard play to describe. In the end there’s a wedding and they all go home.

As You Like It is breadth of life as only Shakespeare knows how. This is the tale of a mixed bag of ordinary human beings on a tremendous voyage of discovery. At its heart is a heroically foolhardy attempt to begin society all over again, which makes this a perfect end to the first year of the new Belvoir.

Eamon Flack’s triumphantly ridiculous A Midsummer Night’s Dream played in the Downstairs Theatre in 2009. He is assembling a company of Australia’s brightest, shiniest and funniest for an adventure into the realms of this magnificent comedy about the great graceful drift of life.


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