How to Book Tickets for a Captioned Performance

For open GoTheatrical! captioned performances, it varies from venue to venue as to exactly where the large TV caption screens are located. Sometimes these are placed on the stage; sometimes they are placed to the side of the stage. Some venues have captioning available on one screen; others on two screens, one on each side of the auditorium.

Given these variations, it is very important that you check with each individual venue specifically as to where the best seats are located for ease of caption viewing and watching the on-stage action. Generally these seats are just a small number of rows back from the stage and towards the end of the row but it can vary.

Please check the individual listings of performances on the What’s On pages for specific details of how to book captioned seats for individual performances. Please do not book general tickets online as these may not be in the best area of the auditorium for caption viewing.

For App captioning, where you access the live captions on your mobile or tablet device via our GoTheatrical! app, some venues have specific areas with strong WIFI and, as such, they reserve seats for captioning in this space. Please check with the relevant theatre’s Box Office at the time of booking to make sure you are allocated the best seats for app captioing viewing.

We always welcome feedback from patrons on their booking experience and we use information we receive to help venues to improve their training and booking processes.


We hope you enjoy the show!