A Very Jewish Christmas Carol

Date(s) - 9 Dec 2023
2:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Southbank Theatre, The Sumner

A clever twist on Charles Dickens’s classic Christmas morality tale, A Very Jewish Christmas Carol is a funny and delightful journey of discovering who we are and remembering the things that unite us.

Caulfield baker Elysheva Scroogeavitz is determined not to let anything get in the way of fulfilling customer demand for her Bubby’s famous Polish gingerbread. Not her family’s impending Chrismukkah celebrations; not her contractions and imminent labour; and certainly not the ghosts who’ve suddenly shown up in her kitchen. But the Rein-Dybbuck of Chrismukkah Past, Gingerbread Golem and Lilith Claus have other ideas, and Ely’s about to get an unexpected lesson in the importance of making time for the ones we love.

As part of MTC’s NEXT STAGE Writers’ Program, writers-in-residence Elise Esther Hearst and Phillip Kavanagh drew on their own backgrounds to create this hilarious, playful re-telling of the seasonal time-travelling classic. Directed by Sarah Giles, and starring Natalie Gamsu and Evelyn KrapeA Very Jewish Christmas Carol is a celebration of fun, family and faith – in ourselves and in each other.

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